Commercial Systems
Reliability, functionality, and value are critical aspects to the success of any business.
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An unmanageable and/or malfunctioning audio video system can lead to frustration and negatively impact the customer experience. This translates to lost revenue and fewer returning customers. Our experienced system designers can customize a solution to meet your demanding specifications, while delivering value amid tight budget constraints. Customized solutions simplify daily operations, generate revenue for your business, and help distinguish your business from your competitors, all at the best value!
Audio/video technology has become a mainstay in commercial spaces, with a large emphasis on video displays ever since 9/11. They are a great addition to any business due to their functionality and diversity, as they can be used as TVs to stay in touch with our world today, display customized business-related content as digital signage, or a combination of both. Having innovative video technology in your business keeps your customers informed and entertained. From having a dedicated satellite/cable receiver at each display, to having a centralized head-end unit, there is a significant impact on both upfront as well as monthly costs. That does not even take into account the aesthetics of not having a receiver on a shelf or dangling behind the TV! Zee Vee and Blonder Tongue high definition modulators as well as DirecTV's Com2000 and DRE technologies have expanded as demand for receiver-less applications have grown. Video providers are increasing their monthly receivers cost while subsidizing upfront costs. In addition to initial design, the ease of controlling your system is another important consideration. From something as simple as turning your system on and off, to being able to select the appropriate channel for the customer experience, there can be significant employee cost savings with the control system. Whether it's a RF, universal or RTI remote control, an iPad app, or Control4, KS Audio Video has you covered!
In addition to video displays, distributed audio, paging systems and background music have also become necessities for most businesses. Providing music and sound for the Big Game at various sound levels with ease of control are extremely important as businesses focus on customers and the customer experience. In other venues, background music has been shown to increase employee productivity. Also, in an environment where patient/customer confidentiality is important, background music solves this problem. Communicating to staff and/or customers through a simple, yet effective paging system, saves time and adds value. KS Audio Video has expertise in all these arenas!
Some of our other areas of focus are: POS/data lines, networking, and surveillance. No matter the size, wants, and needs of your particular clientele, KSAV has the knowledge to design, install, support, and enhance all aspects of your A/V experience.

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